In the fast-paced business world, we often feel pressured to present ourselves as flawless leaders with perfectly smooth operations. But let's be real—business is messy. Mistakes happen, misunderstandings arise, and occasionally, the proverbial wrench gets tossed into the gears. So, what's the secret to thriving amid all this chaos? It's not about avoiding problems but embracing them. Enter the Issues List—a weekly tool your team should adore, like coffee on a Monday morning.
Why? Because a healthy, well-maintained Issues List breeds trust, boosts accountability, and makes your team healthier. Here's why you should stop sweeping issues under the rug and start writing them down:
1. Honesty is the Best Policy
Let's be honest: Pretending everything is okay when it's not is like ignoring the check engine light in your car. Sure, you can keep driving, but eventually, the car will break down in the middle of nowhere. Having a culture where calling out issues is celebrated rather than avoided brings transparency to the table. It's the corporate equivalent of saying, "I burnt the toast, but here's how I'm going to fix it." Your team knows it's safe to speak up, creating an environment where problems are aired and solved before they become insurmountable.
2. Team Health 101: Vulnerability Leads to Strength
When your team members feel comfortable saying, "I messed up," or "This project is stalling," without fear of judgment, you're halfway to having a strong, cohesive team. EOS teaches us that a healthy leadership team is one that is open, honest, and vulnerable. Everyone brings their issues to the table (literally, in your Level 10 Meeting), and everyone pitches in to solve them. This kind of vulnerability is refreshing and necessary to build long-lasting trust.
3. IDS: The Secret Sauce to Problem-Solving
The Issues Solving Track (IDS) is where the magic happens. You're not just listing problems to look at them; you're identifying them, discussing them, and solving them. It's like playing detective, therapist, and firefighter all in one. IDS creates a structured way to focus your energy on the real root cause of an issue rather than putting band-aids on symptoms. So, instead of endless debates, your team works through the issues efficiently—because who has time for another meeting that could have been an email?
4. Calling Out Issues Boosts Accountability
Nothing says "I'm committed to this team" more than calling out a potential landmine before it explodes. When team members know they're encouraged to voice concerns, they will be held accountable for solutions. This encourageseveryone to own their work and bring their A-game. We say, "As goes the leadership team, so goes the rest of the company." If your leadership team embraces issues, your entire organization will follow suit.
Think of your Issues List as the ultimate team trust exercise. Sure, it might feel awkward at first, but once your team gets used to airing and solving issues, you'll find that problems get solved faster, trust skyrockets, and your team becomes more cohesive. And that's something we can all get behind.
Let's face it—being perfect is overrated. Having a healthy Issues List, on the other hand, is priceless.